And thus...'Mrs. Nguyen's Art Vocabulary Bingo' was born. :)
I've seen art bingo done before... but I've never really been pleased with it because it's often just a matter of students saying a word and finding it... or looking for a picture and finding it - which does not really show that a student understands what the term means (kind of a waste of time if you ask me).
I really wanted my students to demonstrate to me an understanding of the vocabulary being used and I think my version does this quite well.
An updated/enhanced version is available in my store!
Mrs. Nguyen's Art Vocabulary Bingo
- Students pass out bingo cards to each person in their group (up to 6 players in a group).
- Students then take turns pulling a visual card out of a bag (basically they take turns being 'the caller').
- As a group, students must then determine the vocabulary word that matches the picture on their card using their 'Art Bingo Clue Sheet' (which lists the vocabulary word along with its definition). Once they figure out the matching word, they place the visual card on top of the vocabulary word on the 'Art Bingo Clue Sheet', and then use a bingo chip to cover up that word on their personal bingo card.
- First student to get a line of 5 bingo chips wins (although I had my students play until they ran out of visual cards)!
I can't wait to play it again with another group!
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